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930292Please say the alphabet in reverse.CK126340The English alphabet has 26 letters.CK167287Say the alphabet backwards.sacredceltic67288Write the alphabet in capitals.CM67292In the alphabet, B comes after A.CK1435635Put the words in alphabetical order.enteka3155609Put this list in alphabetical order.CK2571497The names are in alphabetical order.sharptoothed72255A is the first letter of the alphabet.CK871319"A" is the first letter of the alphabet.alexmarcelo952361"B" is the second letter of the alphabet.alexmarcelo929898Mr. Legros can say the alphabet backwards.Scott67289How many letters are there in the alphabet?CK322934All the names are listed in alphabetical order.CK719916How many letters does the Russian alphabet have?darinmex252365I remember my mother"s teaching me the alphabet.CM2761494Have you learned all the letters in the alphabet?sharptoothed1384944We should sort the students" names alphabetically.Eldad967742How many letters are there in the English alphabet?FeuDRenais1384240We ought to sort the students" names alphabetically.Eldad1346484The teacher called the students in alphabetical order.CM

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