通常、ほとんどの管理者はSystemVにservice service-name status
または/etc/init.d/service-name status
を使用します( SysV)initsystemおよびsystemdシステムの場合はsystemctl status service-name
init(初期化の略)は、コンピューターの起動中に開始される最初のプロセスです。システム。 initは、システムがシャットダウンされるまで実行を続けるデーモンプロセスです。
- 5つの方法Linuxでプロセスが実行されている時間を確認する
- Linuxで実行されているプログラムのプロセスID(PID)を見つける9つの簡単な方法
- プロセスのポート番号を見つける方法Linuxで使用しています
- Linuxでプロセスを強制終了または終了する3つの簡単な方法
- システムVは古いinitシステムです
- Upstartは従来のinitシステムのイベントベースの代替品です
- systemdは新しいinitシステムです。最新のLinuxディストリビューションのほとんどで採用されています
System V(SysV)とは
Upstartは、/ sbin / initデーモンのイベントベースの代替品であり、起動中にタスクとサービスの開始を処理し、シャットダウン中にそれらを停止し、システムの実行中にそれらを監視します。
systemdは、新しいinitシステムおよびシステムマネージャーであり、ほとんどのLinuxディストリビューションで非常に人気があり、広く採用されている新しい標準initシステムです。 systemctlコマンドは、systemdシステムの管理に役立つsystemdユーティリティです。
方法1:System V(SysV)initSystemで実行中のサービスを確認する方法
以下のコマンドはSystem V(SysV)initシステムで実行中のすべてのサービスを確認して一覧表示します。
# service --status-all | grep httpdhttpd (pid 627) is running...
# service httpd statushttpd (pid 627) is running...
方法2:System V(SysV)initSystemで実行中のサービスを確認する方法
# systemctl UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION sys-devices-virtual-block-loop0.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop0 sys-devices-virtual-block-loop1.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop1 sys-devices-virtual-block-loop2.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop2 sys-devices-virtual-block-loop3.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop3 sys-devices-virtual-block-loop4.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/block/loop4 sys-devices-virtual-misc-rfkill.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/misc/rfkill sys-devices-virtual-tty-ttyprintk.device loaded active plugged /sys/devices/virtual/tty/ttyprintk sys-module-fuse.device loaded active plugged /sys/module/fuse sys-subsystem-net-devices-enp0s3.device loaded active plugged 82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter) -.mount loaded active mounted Root Mount dev-hugepages.mount loaded active mounted Huge Pages File System dev-mqueue.mount loaded active mounted POSIX Message Queue File System run-user-1000-gvfs.mount loaded active mounted /run/user/1000/gvfs run-user-1000.mount loaded active mounted /run/user/1000 snap-core-3887.mount loaded active mounted Mount unit for core snap-core-4017.mount loaded active mounted Mount unit for core snap-core-4110.mount loaded active mounted Mount unit for core snap-gping-13.mount loaded active mounted Mount unit for gping snap-termius\x2dapp-8.mount loaded active mounted Mount unit for termius-app sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount loaded active mounted FUSE Control File System sys-kernel-debug.mount loaded active mounted Debug File System acpid.path loaded active running ACPI Events Check cups.path loaded active running CUPS Scheduler systemd-ask-password-plymouth.path loaded active waiting Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch systemd-ask-password-wall.path loaded active waiting Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch init.scope loaded active running System and Service Manager session-c2.scope loaded active running Session c2 of user magi accounts-daemon.service loaded active running Accounts Service acpid.service loaded active running ACPI event daemon anacron.service loaded active running Run anacron jobs apache2.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server apparmor.service loaded active exited AppArmor initialization apport.service loaded active exited LSB: automatic crash report generation aptik-battery-monitor.service loaded active running LSB: start/stop the aptik battery monitor daemon atop.service loaded active running Atop advanced performance monitor atopacct.service loaded active running Atop process accounting daemon avahi-daemon.service loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack colord.service loaded active running Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles console-setup.service loaded active exited Set console font and keymap cron.service loaded active running Regular background program processing daemon cups-browsed.service loaded active running Make remote CUPS printers available locally cups.service loaded active running CUPS Scheduler dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus postfix.service loaded active exited Postfix Mail Transport Agent
ユニットは対応するsystemdユニット名について説明します。 -
これは、対応するユニットが現在メモリにロードされているかどうかを示します。 -
ユニットがアクティブかどうかを示します。 -
ユニットが実行状態にあるかどうかを示します。 -
# systemctl list-units --type service UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION accounts-daemon.service loaded active running Accounts Service acpid.service loaded active running ACPI event daemon anacron.service loaded active running Run anacron jobs apache2.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server apparmor.service loaded active exited AppArmor initialization apport.service loaded active exited LSB: automatic crash report generation aptik-battery-monitor.service loaded active running LSB: start/stop the aptik battery monitor daemon atop.service loaded active running Atop advanced performance monitor atopacct.service loaded active running Atop process accounting daemon avahi-daemon.service loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack colord.service loaded active running Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles console-setup.service loaded active exited Set console font and keymap cron.service loaded active running Regular background program processing daemon cups-browsed.service loaded active running Make remote CUPS printers available locally cups.service loaded active running CUPS Scheduler dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus fwupd.service loaded active running Firmware update daemon loaded active running Getty on tty1 grub-common.service loaded active exited LSB: Record successful boot for GRUB irqbalance.service loaded active running LSB: daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems keyboard-setup.service loaded active exited Set the console keyboard layout kmod-static-nodes.service loaded active exited Create list of required static device nodes for the current kernel
# systemctl list-unit-files --type serviceUNIT FILE STATE accounts-daemon.service enabled acpid.service disabledalsa-restore.service static alsa-state.service static alsa-utils.service masked anacron-resume.service enabled anacron.service enabled apache-htcacheclean.service disabled disabledapache2.service enabled disabledapparmor.service enabled static apport.service generatedapt-daily-upgrade.service static apt-daily.service static aptik-battery-monitor.service generatedatop.service enabled atopacct.service enabled enabled avahi-daemon.service enabled bluetooth.service enabled
# systemctl | grep apache2 apache2.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server
# systemctl | grep running acpid.path loaded active running ACPI Events Check cups.path loaded active running CUPS Scheduler init.scope loaded active running System and Service Manager session-c2.scope loaded active running Session c2 of user magi accounts-daemon.service loaded active running Accounts Service acpid.service loaded active running ACPI event daemon apache2.service loaded active running The Apache HTTP Server aptik-battery-monitor.service loaded active running LSB: start/stop the aptik battery monitor daemon atop.service loaded active running Atop advanced performance monitor atopacct.service loaded active running Atop process accounting daemon avahi-daemon.service loaded active running Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack colord.service loaded active running Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles cron.service loaded active running Regular background program processing daemon cups-browsed.service loaded active running Make remote CUPS printers available locally cups.service loaded active running CUPS Scheduler dbus.service loaded active running D-Bus System Message Bus fwupd.service loaded active running Firmware update daemon loaded active running Getty on tty1 irqbalance.service loaded active running LSB: daemon to balance interrupts for SMP systems lightdm.service loaded active running Light Display Manager ModemManager.service loaded active running Modem Manager NetworkManager.service loaded active running Network Manager polkit.service loaded active running Authorization Manager
# systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabledacpid.path enabled cups.path enabled accounts-daemon.service enabled anacron-resume.service enabled anacron.service enabled apache2.service enabled apparmor.service enabled atop.service enabled atopacct.service enabled enabled avahi-daemon.service enabled bluetooth.service enabled console-setup.service enabled cron.service enabled cups-browsed.service enabled cups.service enabled display-manager.service enabled dns-clean.service enabled friendly-recovery.service enabled enabled gpu-manager.service enabled keyboard-setup.service enabled lightdm.service enabled ModemManager.service enabled network-manager.service enabled networking.service enabled NetworkManager-dispatcher.service enabled NetworkManager-wait-online.service enabled NetworkManager.service enabled
また、pstreeコマンド(SysVinitシステムからの出力)を使用して実行中のサービスを確認できます。 。
# chkservice
