Brucellosebehandling og -håndtering


Wafa Al-Nassir, MBBS Infectious Diseases Consultant, National Guard Health Affairs , Saudi-Arabien
Wafa Al-Nassir, MBBS er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American College of Physicians, Infectious Diseases Society of America
Oplysning: Intet at afsløre.

Medforfatter (e) )

Michelle V Lisgaris, MD assisterende professor i medicin, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine – Michelle V Lisgaris, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American College of Physicians, American Medical Association , Infectious Diseases Society of America, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America – Oplysning: Intet at afsløre.

Robert A Salata, MD Chief og klinisk programdirektør for Division of Infectious Diseases, næstformand for internationale anliggender , Professor, D epartment of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine – Robert A Salata, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Association of Immunologists, American Federation for Medical Research, American Medical Association, Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research , Infectious Diseases Society of America, Ohio State Medical Association, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Oplysning: Intet at afsløre.

Nicholas John Bennett, MBBCh, ph.d., FAAP, MA (Cantab) Assistent Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship, Medical Director, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center – Nicholas John Bennett, MBBCh, ph.d., FAAP, MA (Cantab) er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: Alpha Omega Alpha, American Academy of Pediatrics
Oplysning: Modtaget forskningsstipend fra: kubistisk < br / > Modtaget indkomst i en beløb svarende til eller større end $ 250 fra: Horizon Pharmaceuticals, Shire < br / > Medico juridisk rådgivning for: Forskellige.

Chief Editor

Michael Stuart Bronze, MD David Ross Boyd Professor og formand, Department of Medicine, Stewart G Wolf Begavet formand for intern medicin, Department of Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center; Master i American College of Physicians; Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America; Stipendiat fra Royal College of Physicians, London
Michael Stuart Bronze, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske foreninger: Alpha Omega Alpha, American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, Association of Professors of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Society of America , Oklahoma State Medical Association, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation – Oplysning: Intet at afsløre.


xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Walid Abuhammour, MD, FAAP professor i pædiatri, Michigan State University College of Medicine; Direktør for pædiatrisk infektionssygdom, Department of Pediatrics, Hurley Medical Center xmlns: qnafn = “”> Walid Abuhammour, MD, FAAP er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Medical Association, Infectious Diseases Society of America og Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Jeffrey D Band, MD professor i medicin, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine; Direktør, afdeling for infektionssygdomme og international medicin, virksomhedsepidemiolog, William Beaumont Hospital; Klinisk professor i medicin, Wayne State University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Nicholas John Bennett, MB, BCh, ph.d.-stipendiat i pædiatrisk infektionssygdom, Department of Pediatrics, State University of New York Upstate Medical University xmlns: qnafn = “”> Nicholas John Bennett, MB, BCh, PhD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: Alpha Omega Alpha og American Academy of Pediatrics xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Itzhak Brook, MD, MSc-professor, Institut for Pædiatri, Georgetown University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Itzhak Brook, MD, MSc er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Association for the Advancement of Science, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine , American Federation for Clinical Research, American Medical Association, American Society for Microbiology, Armed Forces Infectious Diseases Society, Association of Military Surgeons of the US, Infectious Diseases Society of America, International Immunompromised Host Society, International Society for Infectious Diseases, Medical Society of District of Columbia, New York Academy of Sciences, Pædiatrisk infektionssygdomsforening, Samfund for øre-, næse- og halsfremskridt hos børn, Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Society for Pediatric Research, Southern Medical Association og Surgical Infection Society xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert G Darling, MD, FACEP adjungeret klinisk assistent professor i militær- og nødmedicin, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine; Associeret direktør, Center for katastrofe- og humanitær bistandsmedicin xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert G Darling, MD, FACEP er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund : American College of Emergency Physicians, American Medical Association, American Telemedicine Association og Association of Military Surgeons of the US xmlns: qnafn = “”> Offentliggørelse: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Joseph Domachowske, dr. professor i pædiatri, mikrobiologi og immunologi, Institut for Pædiatri, Afdelingen for Infektionssygdomme, State University of New York Upstate Medical University xmlns: qnafn = “”> Joseph Domachowske, MD, er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: Alpha Omega Alpha, American Academy of Pediatrics , American Society for Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society og Phi Beta Kappa xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Ronald A Greenfield, dr. professor, Institut for Intern Medicin, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine xmlns : qnafn = “”> Ronald A Greenfield, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American College of Physicians, American Federation for Medical Research, American Society for Microbiology, Central Society til klinisk forskning, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Medical Mycology Society of the Americas, Phi Beta Kappa, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation og Southwestern Association of Clinical Microbiology xmlns: qnafn = “”> Offentliggørelse: Pfizer Honoraria Taler og underviser; Gilead Honoraria Taler og underviser; Ortho McNeil Honoraria Taler og underviser; Abbott Honoraria Taler og underviser; Astellas Honoraria Taler og underviser; Cubist Honoraria Taler og underviser; Forest Pharmaceuticals taler og underviser xmlns: qnafn = “”> Gerald E Maloney Jr, DO, FAAEM Seniorinstruktør, Department of Emergency Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine; Direktør for medicinsk toksikologi, afdeling for akutmedicin; Associate Medical Director, MetroLifeFlight, MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH xmlns: qnafn = “”> Gerald E Maloney Jr, DO, FAAEM er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Medical Toxicology, American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, American Osteopathic Association og Society for Academic Emergency Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Jerry L Mothershead, MD Medicinsk beredskabskonsulent, Medical Readiness and Response Group, Battelle Memorial Institute; Rådgiver, teknisk rådgivende komité, Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group, Veteran’s Health Administration; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Military and Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Jerry L Mothershead, MD, er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American College of Emergency Physicians og National Association of EMS Physicians xmlns: qnafn =” “> Offentliggørelse: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Khaled Nashar, MD instruktør for klinisk intern medicin, sektion for hospitalistisk medicin, afdeling for generel intern medicin, afdeling for medicin, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center xmlns: qnafn = “”> Khaled Nashar, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American College of Physicians, American Medical Association og American Society of Hypertension xmlns: qnafn = “”> Offentliggørelse: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert Stanley Rust Jr, MD, MA Thomas E Worrell Jr Professor i epileptologi og neurologi, meddirektør for FE Dreifuss Child Neurologi og epilepsiklinikker, direktør, børneurologi, University of Virginia School of Medicine; Formand-valgt, Child Neurology Section, American Academy of Neurology xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert Stanley Rust Jr, MD, MA er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Academy of Neurology, American Epilepsy Society, American Headache Society, American Neurological Association, Child Neurology Society, International Child Neurology Association og Society for Pediatric Research xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Offentliggørelse: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Mark R Schleiss, MD American Legion Chair of Pediatrics, Professor of Pediatrics, Division Director, Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Afdeling for pædiatri, University of Minnesota Medical School xmlns: qnafn = “”> Mark R Schleiss, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Pediatric Society, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society og Society for Pediatric Research xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Aashit K Shah, MD professor i neurologi, direktør, omfattende epilepsiprogram, programdirektør, klinisk neurofysiologi-stipendium, Detroit Medical Center , Wayne State University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Aashit K Shah, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Academy of Neurology , American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, American Epilepsy Society og American Neurological Association xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: UCB pharma Konsulentgebyr Tale og undervisning xmlns: qnafn = “”> Russell W Steele, MD-chef, afdeling for pædiatriske infektionssygdomme, Ochsner børns sundhedscenter; klinisk professor, Institut for Pædiatri Tulane University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Russell W Steele, MD er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Academy of Pediatr ics, American Association of Immunologists, American Pediatric Society, American Society for Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Louisiana State Medical Society, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Society for Pediatric Research og Southern Medical Association xmlns: qnafn = “”> Offentliggørelse: Intet at afsløre. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Francisco Talavera, PharmD, ph.d. adjungeret assistent professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Chefredaktør, Medscape Drug Reference xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Medscape lønbeskæftigelse xmlns: qnafn = ” “> Florian P Thomas, MD, MA, PhD, Drmed Director, Regional MS Center of Excellence, St. Louis Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Direktør, National MS Society Multiple Sclerosis Center; Direktør, Neuropati Association Center of Excellence, professor, Institut for Neurologi og Psykiatri, Lektor, Institut for Molekylær Virologi, St Louis University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Florian P Thomas, MD, MA, PhD, Drmed er medlem af følgende medicinske samfund: American Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association, American Paraplegia Society, Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, og Sigma Xi xmlns: qnafn = “”> Oplysning: Intet at afsløre.

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