Quali farmaci vengono utilizzati per trattare la minzione frequente?

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> FONTI:

xmlns: xalan = ” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> International Painful Bladder Foundation:” The Urinary Tract and How It Works. “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia:” Frequent or Urgent Urination. “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> American Diabetes Association:” Dropping Insulin to Drop Pounds . “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> March of Dimes:” Cambiamenti durante la gravidanza “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases:” Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases:” Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome. “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> Università dell’autore degli ospedali e delle cliniche del Wisconsin ity: “Dopo un ictus, gestione della vescica”.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: “Minzione frequente o urgente”.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: “Urinalysis.

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia:” Cystometry. “

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> Informazioni e risorse WebMD:” Cystoscopy. “

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: “Neurological Diagnostic Tests and Procedures.”

xmlns: xalan = ” https://xml.apache.org/xalan “> The American Heritage Medical Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007.

xmlns: xalan =” https://xml.apache.org/xalan ” > National Center of Biotechnology Information: “Comparing Drugs for Overactive Bladder Syndrome”.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> National Association for Continence: “Overactive Bladder Syndrome” . “

xm lns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> Comunicato stampa, FDA.

xmlns: xalan = “https://xml.apache.org/xalan”> americano Associazione urologica: “Diagnosi e trattamento della vescica iperattiva (non neurogena) negli adulti: linee guida AUA / SUFU”.

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