Behandeling en beheer van brucellose


Wafa Al-Nassir, MBBS-adviseur infectieziekten, National Guard Health Affairs , Saoedi-Arabië
Wafa Al-Nassir, MBBS is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Physicians, Infectious Diseases Society of America
Openbaarmaking: niets te onthullen.

Co-auteur (s )

Michelle V Lisgaris, MD universitair docent geneeskunde, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Michelle V Lisgaris, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Physicians, American Medical Association , Infectious Diseases Society of America, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Openbaarmaking: niets te onthullen.

Robert A Salata, MD Chief en Clinical Program Director van Division of Infectious Diseases, vicevoorzitter voor internationale zaken , Professor, D epartment of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Robert A Salata, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Association of Immunologists, American Federation for Medical Research, American Medical Association, Central Society for Clinical and Translational Research , Infectious Diseases Society of America, Ohio State Medical Association, Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Openbaarmaking: niets te onthullen.

Nicholas John Bennett, MBBCh, PhD, FAAP, MA (Cantab) Universitair docent of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship, Medical Director, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Connecticut Children ’s Medical Center
Nicholas John Bennett, MBBCh, PhD, FAAP, MA (Cantab) is een lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: Alpha Omega Alpha, American Academy of Pediatrics
Openbaarmaking: Onderzoeksbeurs ontvangen van: Cubist < br / > Ontvangen inkomen in een bedrag gelijk aan of groter dan $ 250 van: Horizon Pharmaceuticals, Shire < br / > Juridisch advies van Medico voor: Various.


Michael Stuart Bronze, MD David Ross Boyd Professor en voorzitter, Afdeling Geneeskunde, Stewart G. Wolf Bijzonder hoogleraar Interne Geneeskunde, Afdeling Geneeskunde, University of Oklahoma Health Science Center; Meester van het American College of Physicians; Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America; Fellow van het Royal College of Physicians, Londen
Michael Stuart Bronze, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: Alpha Omega Alpha, American College of Physicians, American Medical Association, Association of Professors of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Society of America , Oklahoma State Medical Association, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation
Openbaarmaking: niets te onthullen.


xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Walid Abuhammour, MD, FAAP hoogleraar kindergeneeskunde, Michigan State University College of Medicine; Directeur Pediatrische Infectieziekten, Afdeling Kindergeneeskunde, Hurley Medisch Centrum xmlns: qnafn = “”> Walid Abuhammour, MD, FAAP is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Medical Association, Infectious Diseases Society of America en Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Jeffrey D Band, MD-hoogleraar geneeskunde, William Beaumont School of Medicine van Oakland University; Directeur, Afdeling Infectieziekten en Internationale Geneeskunde, Bedrijfsepidemioloog, William Beaumont Ziekenhuis; Klinisch hoogleraar geneeskunde, Wayne State University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Nicholas John Bennett, MB, BCh, PhD Fellow in Pediatric Infectious Disease, Department of Pediatrics, State University of New York Upstate Medische Universiteit xmlns: qnafn = “”> Nicholas John Bennett, MB, BCh, PhD is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: Alpha Omega Alpha en American Academy of Pediatrics xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Itzhak Brook, MD, MSc Professor, Afdeling Kindergeneeskunde, Georgetown University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Itzhak Brook, MD, MSc is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Association for the Advancement of Science, American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine , American Federation for Clinical Research, American Medical Association, American Society for Microbiology, Armed Forces Infectious Diseases Society, Association of Military Surgeons of the US, Infectious Diseases Society of America, International Immunocompromised Host Society, International Society for Infectious Diseases, Medical Society of het District of Columbia, New York Academy of Sciences, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advances in Children, Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Society for Pediatric Research, Southern Medical Association, en Surgical Infection Society xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert G Darling, MD, FACEP Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F Edward Hebert School of Medicine; Associate Director, Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert G Darling, MD, FACEP is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen : American College of Emergency Physicians, American Medical Association, American Telemedicine Association en Association of Military Surgeons of the US xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: Niets te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Joseph Domachowske, MD hoogleraar kindergeneeskunde, microbiologie en immunologie, afdeling kindergeneeskunde, afdeling Infectious Diseases, State University of New York Upstate Medical University xmlns: qnafn = “”> Joseph Domachowske, MD is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: Alpha Omega Alpha, American Academy of Pediatrics , American Society for Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society en Phi Beta Kappa xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets te openbaren. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Ronald A Greenfield, MD Professor, afdeling interne geneeskunde, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine xmlns : qnafn = “”> Ronald A Greenfield, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Physicians, American Federation for Medical Research, American Society for Microbiology, Central Society for Clinical Research, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Medical Mycology Society of the Americas, Phi Beta Kappa, Southern Society for Clinical Investigation en Southwestern Association of Clinical Microbiology xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: Pfizer Honoraria Spreken en onderwijzen; Gilead Honoraria Spreken en onderwijzen; Ortho McNeil Honoraria Spreken en lesgeven; Abbott Honoraria Spreken en lesgeven; Astellas Honoraria Spreken en lesgeven; Kubistische Honoraria Spreken en lesgeven; Forest Pharmaceuticals Spreken en lesgeven xmlns: qnafn = “”> Gerald E Maloney Jr, DO, FAAEM Senior Instructor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Case Western Reserve University Medische faculteit; Directeur medische toxicologie, afdeling spoedeisende geneeskunde; Medisch directeur, MetroLifeFlight, MetroHealth Medical Center, Cleveland, OH xmlns: qnafn = “”> Gerald E Maloney Jr, DO, FAAEM is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, American Academy of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians, American College of Medical Toxicology, American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, American Osteopathic Association en Society for Academic Emergency Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Jerry L Mothershead, MD Medical Readiness Consultant, Medical Readiness and Response Group, Battelle Memorial Institute; Adviseur, technisch adviescomité, Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group, Veteran’s Health Administration; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Military and Emergency Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Jerry L Mothershead, MD is lid van de volgende medische genootschappen: American College of Emergency Physicians en National Association of EMS Physicians xmlns: qnafn =” “> Openbaarmaking: niets om openbaar te maken. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Khaled Nashar, MD-instructeur Klinische Interne Geneeskunde, Sectie Hospitalist Medicine, Afdeling Algemene Interne Geneeskunde, Afdeling Geneeskunde, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center xmlns: qnafn = “”> Khaled Nashar, MD is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: American College of Physicians, American Medical Association en American Society of Hypertension xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert Stanley Rust Jr, MD, MA Thomas E Worrell Jr Professor in epileptologie en neurologie, co-directeur van FE Dreifuss Child Neurologie- en epilepsieklinieken, directeur kinderneurologie, School of Medicine van de University of Virginia; Chair-Elect, Child Neurology Section, American Academy of Neurology xmlns: qnafn = “”> Robert Stanley Rust Jr, MD, MA is een lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: American Academy of Neurology, American Epilepsy Society, American Headache Society, American Neurological Association, Child Neurology Society, International Child Neurology Association en Society for Pediatric Research xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Openbaarmaking: niets te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Mark R Schleiss, MD American Legion Chair of Pediatrics, professor pediatrics, Division Director, Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota Medical School xmlns: qnafn = “”> Mark R Schleiss, MD is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: American Pediatric Society, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, en Society for Pediatric Research xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Aashit K Shah, MD hoogleraar neurologie, directeur, uitgebreid epilepsieprogramma, programmadirecteur, Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship, Detroit Medical Center , Wayne State University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Aashit K Shah, MD is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: American Academy of Neurology , American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, American Epilepsy Society en American Neurological Association xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: UCB pharma Adviesvergoeding Spreken en lesgeven xmlns: qnafn = “”> Russell W Steele, MD Head, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Ochsner Children ’s Health Center; Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Tulane University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “”> Russell W Steele, MD is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: American Academy of Pediatr ics, American Association of Immunologists, American Pediatric Society, American Society for Microbiology, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Louisiana State Medical Society, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Society for Pediatric Research en Southern Medical Association xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om openbaar te maken. xmlns: qnafn = “”> Francisco Talavera, PharmD, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Pharmacy; Hoofdredacteur, Medscape Drug Reference xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: Medscape Salaris Werkgelegenheid xmlns: qnafn = ” “> Florian P Thomas, MD, MA, PhD, Drmed Directeur, Regionaal MS Center of Excellence, St Louis Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Directeur van het National MS Society Multiple Sclerosis Center; Directeur, Neuropathy Association Center of Excellence, Professor, Afdeling Neurologie en Psychiatrie, Universitair Hoofddocent, Instituut voor Moleculaire Virologie, St Louis University School of Medicine xmlns: qnafn = “ “> Florian P Thomas, MD, MA, PhD, Drmed is lid van de volgende medische verenigingen: American Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association, American Paraplegia Society, Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centres, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, en Sigma Xi xmlns: qnafn = “”> Openbaarmaking: niets om te onthullen.

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